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  • What is the difference between the in-person and self-directed modalities?
    There are three main differences between the in-person and self-directed modalities, namely: length of summer experience, cost, and support. The in-person modality will be held over 4 weeks from (June 17, 2024 - July 12, 2024) from 9am - 4pm each day at The Wilson Academy in Conyers, GA. Camp fees are $1500 per Scholar. Each camp day (Monday - Friday), campers will engage in hands-on project-based activities exploring a particular eSports career pathway (game design, professional gamer, or comic book creation), guided by a facilitator and supported by LVL Up Academy, PCX's proprietary online skills-building platform, curriculum, and system of scaffolds that trains Scholars for careers in the eSports and video gaming industries. This modality includes Friday Fireside Chats with eSports professionals of color in game design and development, professional gaming, and comic book design. This modality also includes an in-house field trip (5th annual Youth eSports League National Championship & Conference) as well as a showcase at the end of the camp experience to celebrate all that the campers have accomplished. See the video below for more information on the YeL National Championship & Conference that will be held on the last day of camp. Also check out a prior Friday Fireside Chat. Youth eSports League (YeL) National Championship & Conference Recap Friday Fireside Chat with Dr. Grace Gipson - assistant professor, comic book creator, and digital content creator The self-directed modality will provide access to LVL Up Academy for 12 weeks beginning Sunday May 26, 2024, through Saturday, August 10, 2024. Camp fees are $600 per Scholar. While Scholars will have access to LVL UP Academy's platform, curriculum, and system of scaffolds, the self-directed modality does not include a live facilitator. Scholars will also have access to a repository of pre-recorded workshops, panels, and gameplay exposing them to eSports professionals featured in past Youth eSports League National Championships & Conferences as well as past Friday Fireside Chats. See the videos above for more information on the YeL National Championship & Conference. Also check out a prior Friday Fireside Chat.
  • How long is Camp LVL Up?
    The answer to this question depends on the modality you choose. The in-person summer experience is 4 weeks long, beginning Monday, June 17, 2024, and ending on Friday, July 12, 2024 at The Wilson Academy located at 2360 Covington Hwy SW, Conyers, GA 30012. The camp day is from 9am - 4pm each day. An extended day pass is available for purchase as you check out. The PCX Camp LVL Up is 12 weeks long, beginning on Sunday May 26, 2024, and ending on Friday, August 31, 2024. Your scholar will have 24-hour, 7 days a week access to the virtual course during that period. Additionally, there will be four Friday Fireside Chats that will be livestreamed/broadcast over four consecutive weeks that Scholars can attend. Please refer to the the 'Courses' section of the website for individual pathway information.
  • What equipment will my scholar need to participate?
    Your scholar will need the following equipment to participate: Laptop computer or tablet (gaming laptop is NOT required) Headphones A creative mind That's it! If your scholar does not have access to a laptop computer or tablet in-person session, please reach out to us at once you have completed registration. PCX has a limited number of laptops that may be accessed during the 4-week summer experience.
  • How much are camp fees?  How can they be paid?
    The answer to this question varies depending upon your modality. The in-person 4-week summer experience is $1500 per scholar. A multi-child discount is available for each sibling Scholar registered after the first scholar. The first Scholar will be registered at full price, and each sibling Scholar will receive a multi-child discount of 15%. A $375 deposit (for each Scholar registered) is required at the time of registration. You will be invoiced for the remaining balance. More information will be included in the welcome email you will receive after you have completed registration. Remaining balances for In-person camp fees can be paid in one payment or two installments. If choosing to pay in two installments, the first installment will be due by the first day of camp (June 17), and the second installment will be due by June 30, 2024. The self-directed summer experience is $600 per scholar. There is no multi-child discount available for the self-directed modality. Camp fees should be paid in full up front. Whether in-person or self-directed, all payments should be made online.
  • Is lunch provided for Scholars each day?
    No, scholars should bring their own lunch each day.
  • Will there be before-camp and after camp care?
    Yes. You may purchase an extended-day pass for $500 per scholar. This extended-day pass will allow you to drop off your Scholar at 7:30am each camp day and pick up your Scholar from camp at 5:00pm each camp day. Arriving for pick-up after 5:00pm will incur a $1/minute charge for each minute after 5:00pm. You will be invoiced for any late fees incurred.
  • What does the typical in-person camp day look like?
    The typical camp day will adhere to the following schedule: Sample daily schedule - 9:00am - Review the agenda/goals for the day 9:30 am - Workshop facilitation (groups together) 10:00am - Participants work in large and/or small groups (groups separate) 11:30am - Lunch 12:30pm - Gallery walk* 1:00pm - Scrum 1:30pm - Participants work in large and/or small groups (groups separate) 3:00pm - Online reflective journal activity 3:30pm - Recap / Planning for the next day 4:00pm - Adjourn *A gallery walk is an informal feedback session where participants walk around, interact with each others' artifacts, and leave feedback about questions they have, what they like, and suggested changes. A gallery walk is an important ritual employed in all of PCX's educational activities. Additionally, participants will receive feedback on their artifacts to inform the iterative refinement of those artifacts while also building their professional networks.
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